The Best of Youth
I saw the movie The Best of Youth over a year ago and I still think about it a lot.
I know a movie is good if I am thinking about it the next day. But a movie is great if you are thinking about it over a year later.
The Best of Youth is a six hour movie and it is in Italian which might make some people think "hell I am not going to watch a six hour movie in Italian." But I have major movie ADD, I normally spend part of the time in the movie theater trying to figure out how much more of the movie is left, and I did not do this in The Best of Youth. We did watch it over two nights but still three hours each night is a lot. Also I would watch all six hours again.
The movie itself is about two brother in Italy in the late 60s. It follows them through the 70s and 80s. I won't tell you more about it just that you should watch it.
It is one of the best movies I have ever seen and it is so worth six hours of your time.
I have a good song from the movie that I will upload to my next muxtape.
What movies do you still think about?