Oh Finals
So I should be working on my finals but I keep watching this video.
Damn you Jason Schwartzman!
So I should be working on my finals but I keep watching this video.
Damn you Jason Schwartzman!
Posted by
3:58 PM
Labels: Music
Bryan just played this song and it made my day.
For some reason I think if Bryan wrote me a love song it would be something like this.
Check out the video I could not find the MP3 anywhere online.
The Polecats-Make a Circuit With Me
Posted by
9:13 PM
Labels: Life with Bryan
When I went to Puerto Rico I remember feeling like I woke up one day and I could speak Spanish. There was no learning involved just one night I went to bed not speaking and the next day I understood everything. I know this is not how it worked but it is funny how you reach points in your life where things change so quickly you wake up say to yourself "Oh right I get it".
This week has been like that for me. After months of struggling with all the changes that have happened in the last few months, tonight while riding home on my bike I have an "oh right I get it" moment. It is not like one thing changed today but for some reason I now feel like I made the right choice for me moving up here and going back to school. Somethings have changed: I now use the word "odds ratio" more than I used to and I think I get what it means, I have friends (or at least people I talk to in class), I feel like my apartment is home now (even if it is 32 degrees), and I look forward to my bike ride when I wake up in the morning. It feels good to feel this way let me tell you.
The title of this post is a Talking Heads- This Must Be The Place I love this song and listening to it makes me smile and bob my head I don't know why. Listen to the song and see if you feel the same way!
Posted by
5:22 PM
Labels: Life
Last Friday night Bryan and I were walking down Grand Ave when we saw a blimp up in air:
Bryan: Check out the blimp
Me: What do you think it is doing?
Bryan: Blimpin' (then he starts singing) Big blimpin' On B.L.A.P.'s
So today is 8 years since Bryan and I went on our first date* and this exchange above shows why the last 8 years have been so much fun.
*hey BTZ if I put it on my blog does it mean I am right about the date?
Posted by
4:50 PM
Labels: Life with Bryan
7:10 Yesterday Morning
Bryan: You know what I have been thinking?
Me: What? ( a little shocked that he is actually talking)
Bryan: In Ghost Busters, why would anyone be obsessed with Sigourney Weaver? She is not that hot.
Me: Well yeah but why would anyone like Bill Murray he is not that hot either?
Bryan: She did not like him until he f-ing saved the world!
Posted by
7:04 PM
Labels: Life with Bryan
In iTunes I have a playlist for songs with zero play counts. Right now this playlist has 1387 songs in it. It is a smart playlist so once I listen to a song it is removed from the list. For the past few days I have been trying to only listen to this playlist. I think it is going to take a long time before I have listened to all these songs.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Labels: Music
So I realize I have not posted in a long time and that is because the last few month have been full of lots of personal changes and in general I think personal blog posts are boring. I am also of the belief that it is better to be evil than boring when it comes down to it. Just call someone in my family boring and you will notice that all of the sudden you are having a string of insults fired at you. Anyway I am going to do a boring post now so you do not have to read if you don't want.
So the reason for all the changes is because I have decided to get my MPH in Epidemiology and Bio statistics at Berkeley. Because of this the fallowing had to happen:
Bryan had to find a job in SF
Bryan had to quit his job in SC
We had to move out of Ledyard
Mike and Em had to find a new place to live
Bryan and I had to move in with my parents for a month and a half
Bryan and I had to find a place to live in the Bay Area and move there
I had to quit my job
I had to find a way to pay for school
I had to find a job
There were more changes but I can't think of them right now.
Today was my first day at Berkeley. It is actually welcome week classes do not officially start until next Monday. Bryan and I now live off of Grand Ave in Oakland. I have decided to sell my car and ride my bike to school. My daily ride takes me up a pretty gnarly hill but it is still really fun. It takes about 40 minutes to get to school and 30 minutes to get home. I am hoping I will get faster and cut down on the time. I also had to buy a new bike. I wanted something light that would not get stolen so I got an old fuji touring bike. After telling one girl about my ride to school she said "wow you are hard core" I was kind of taken aback by that, I wanted to say "that is the nicest thing a stranger has ever said to me" but I did not want to freak her out.
I spent this morning listening to all the great work the school does and different resources they have for students. I felt like they took 2 hours to do something that could have been done in a few minutes. The only interesting part was when one professor gave a presentation on her work on Dengue. After that we met with our program and everyone started to size each other up. People wanted to know what sort of undergrad work others had done. I decided not to engage in this and remained quiet, I hate forced socialization. At lunch the sizing up continued so I went to get my school ID with a girl I had met. While waiting in line for the ID (45 minutes) there was a guy preaching about how Jesus saves and the penis is not meant for the anus, some students got upset and started to engage with him (my guess is they were new to Berkeley) the cops came and said there was nothing they could do because of the free speech rules of the campus.
I then had to meet with my advisor this meeting was to give her an idea of what I am interested in and for her to direct me to places on campus that can help. She met with me and one other student. True to form I stumped her. I told her I wanted to work on Psychology and epidemiology, she was like I have no idea and went on to talk to the other student about infectious deceases. I then had to explain to her what I wanted to do. I want to look at grief as a risk factor. For a long time I have been interested in infectious deceases but I figure after working in grief so long and also the fact that not much has been done in that area maybe I could do some good research. Anyway finally she got the idea and I was good to go.
See how boring that was.
Posted by
5:25 PM
I know I missed the song of the week last week. I don't really have an excuse other than I have been kick boxing a lot and it has been difficult to find time at night to post because after kick boxing I can barely lift my head up.
So this week I bring you two songs to make up for last week.
The first song is Hot Chip - And I Was A Boy From School. I picked this song because I heard it on Veronica Mars last week. Can I just say that if you are not watching Veronica Mars you should be. As Em said last night "This is how TV should be, every line is funny" it reminds me of how Gilmore Girls used to be when it started you have to really pay attention to catch everything.
The second song is Feist's version of Broken Social Scene's - Lovers Spit. I heard it in the movie Half Nelson this weekend and since (if you could not tell already) I am currently obsessed with Feist I just had to go out and find this song. It can be found on the EP Bee Hives by Broken Social Scene. You can find more info on the blog Quick Before It Melts where I found this MP3. Also Half Nelson is a great movie. Have you seen it?
Posted by
9:36 PM
Labels: Music
So the original reason I started this blog was to write out letters I received while I was in Puerto Rico. I guess I kind of got caught up in the song of the week thing. I thought I would type out another letter because right now I am just sitting around trying to let my leg recover from a contusion I got while trying to kick my co worker during Khmer Boxing.
So here is another letter for you:
Hey Katie,
How are you? Thanx for calling, I just wish I had more to say. I'm sorry I haven't written. I have no excuse I'm just a lazy bum. That's what I feel like these days lying around , no job, no school, a bum. When are you coming back? I miss you so much! You should be in no hurry to come home. Santa Cruz Sucks! It's so boring here, only depressing things happening. There are so many sleazy men in Santa Cruz. They're everywhere. It's even worse than before. Well, I'm excited about getting a job and going to Cabrillo "C is for Cabrillo and that's good enough for me!" Ha Ha! I so many plans for my future that I'm over whelmed. Everyone is doing good here. I'm still worried about H and B. But I hope she will wisen up soon. R seems happy with J. A and A are a cute little couple. I think that A1 is in a sense rebound and A2 is an experience. That's okay though, they're happy right now. How about you Kate, how's the dating scene. I am jealous of you, you're away from Santa Cruz surrounded by new people, free from your parents and all this on a beautiful island! Live it up baby! Have fun while you can, we'll all still be here when you get back. We're the unfortunate ones without you around. I wish I had a walkman so no matter where I am I can listen to music and be happy. The sky is so beautiful right now. The stars have been so bright and powerful lately. I know I'm getting random here but it fits the letter since I'm writing to Random Girl! Once again I apologize for it being so long since I've written. I'm so bad with this stuff. Okay I'll go now and write you again another day, I promise!
I miss you-
I love you-
I envy you-
A few notes about this letter. Until I just read it I did not realize my friends were jealous of my trip. While I was in Puerto Rico I viewed it as something I just had to do like going to second grade is something you just have to do even if you don't want to. Also how cool is it that she wanted a walkman to listen to music all the time. Now that I have an I Pod I forgot what it is like to not have music all the time.
Posted by
6:57 PM
Labels: PR
This week I have a true song of the week. On Saturday I got the Patrick Wolf album the Magic Position, it will actually be released in the US on May 1st but it was leaked way back in January and it has been out in the UK for a while. Ever since I heard the album I have to listen to the title track at least 3 times a day. Yesterday I listened to the song and then I thought that is so good I have to listen to it again.
Check it out for yourself let me know what you think.
Also what have you been listening to lately?
Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position
Posted by
6:11 PM
Labels: Music
So I am really late with the song of the week. And that is because until yesterday I really did not have one. I did not listen to much new music this week because I have been really busy kickboxing four days a week.
This weeks song is
Feist - One Two Three Four
Also I really like the video for this song. Check it out and tell me if you don't think Feist is an indie rock vixen.
Posted by
9:01 AM
Labels: Music
The song of the week is:
I'm From Barcelona - Treehouse
This week I have been singing this song a lot.
The best part was one day I was singing it and Bryan started to sing along, now if we could only get 648 people to join in with us we would have as many people as our in this band. Just kidding, I don't know how many people are in the band but it is a lot. I do know they are not from Barcelona. I hope none of my friends from Norway hate me because this band is actually from Sweden.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Labels: Music
So I am starting to really like running. It used to be something I really had to make myself do but now I actually kind of enjoy it. Part of why I enjoy it is that it is when I listen to a lot of music. Listening to music and running can be tricky because you do not want to listen to anything too fast and wind up halfway into your run and realize you have been sprinting to keep up with the music and are too tired to keep going. But if it is too slow you end up legging. I also am more likely to stop when I am trying to find the perfect song. Today while I was on my run I tried something new I listened to LCD Soundsystem- 45:48. It was made by LCD Soundsystem for Apple and their whole Nike run campaign. Anyway it was pretty good although after working out every day this week my legs were sore and tired and so I did not make it the whole 45:48 but the part I did listen to was perfect. It picked up the pass just around the 10 minute mark right when I need it to. I look forward to running to it the whole way through this weekend.
What do you listen to when you work out?
Posted by
9:57 PM
In case you did not notice now you can listen to the song of the week by clicking on it.
This weeks song of the week is:
Mates Of State - Think Long
I have been listening to a lot of Mates Of State as of late. I think it is because they are quirky and are married which for some reason I think is cool. I really like quirky things what about you?
Wikipedia describes their music like this:
"Mates of State's songs are notable for their male/female vocal harmony, shifting rhythms, and quirky song structure - most tracks comprise distinct, almost disjointed movements. Both members sing with great intensity, often in the upper ranges of their voices, and often sing different (yet complementary) melodies simultaneously. Tempos are nearly always fast, with beats often resembling those found in electronic club or dance music."
Personally, I like the boy girl sound of their music.
I like the song Think Long because lets face it I have been thinking long about stuff these days.
If you do listen to the song make sure you listen to the second half because that is when it gets really good.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: Music
So this week I had two songs fighting it out for Song of The Week. But the one that won is a song I have liked for a long time and came on the radio last night as I was leaving my parents house.
Feist- Mushaboom
I don't normally try to interpret what the song of the week is about but this song came on at the perfect moment and it struck me that the song is about being in your 20s.
Here are part of the song lyrics:
Posted by
10:16 PM
Labels: Music
This weekend I was on my way to an ultimate tournament with the high school team I am helping out. The mom who drove asked me all these questions about Puerto Rico and then I remembered that is what this blog is supposed be about not my taste for sad indie rock. So I am still going through the letters and I will post more as soon as I get them in some sort of order. But before I do that I thought I would give you an idea of why I was an exchange student since this mom who was driving me to the ultimate tourney asked me that and most people want to know. I think the best way to explain why is to say that my family is big on exchange students.
Here are the kids who have lived in my parents house:
Michiko- Japan
Noelia- Argentina
Jackie- Italy
Vicky- Argentina
Louise- Canada
Ricky- Mexico
Geovanni- Italy
Henrik- Greenland
And those are just the ones I remember and not counting cousins from France who would come to visit. If the FBI knew about this list they might put my parents on some sort of watch list.
Also both my brothers have been exchange students.
You know how alcoholism runs in families in my family it is exchangism so I had no choice I had to go to Puerto Rico.
Oh yeah and my parents rock for letting all these kids come live at our house. I can't wait till I grow up so I can be a host parent.
Posted by
9:52 PM
Labels: PR
So I just finished reading Bee Season by Myla Goldberg.
And all I have to say it is a good book and you should read it. It only took me a few days to read it and my median time for Hop On Pop is 45 minutes so you should be able to finish it all quick like. One other thing I do have to say about the book is it includes kleptomaniacs, hari krishnas and the kabbalah.
Anyway this is not book of the week it is song of the week. And song of the week is
Song For Myla Goldberg- The Decemberists
Bryan hates that I like this song because all I can sing from it is "unique new york, unique new york"
Posted by
7:47 PM
So I know I am a little late with this one. It has been a crazy few days: baby Leila was born, Bryan got the flu and I went up to Berkeley to check out their MPH Program. Anyway that does not mean I do not have song of the week. While I was running yesterday trying not to think about everything that was going on and just enjoy how funny looking people generally have funny looking dogs (yes I know what Lola looks like) anyway I was listening to The Gossip so this weeks song is:
The Gossip- Standing In The Way of Control
Because who does not like feminist rock and roll.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Labels: Music
I have a problem peeing in public bathrooms. My friend Amy calls this condition "stage fright", if I know someone is in the bathroom I can't use it. This probably all started when I went to kindergarten and I did not want to go to the bathroom so I learned how to hold it until I got home. When I was in Berkeley I would talk with friends about the best bathrooms in the library for people who suffer from stage fright. Anyway, I thought of this yesterday because where I work has bathrooms with stalls, I generally try to time it so no one will be in there, well while I was washing my hands my co worker came in and she went in the stall and farted. Then I had to see her all day knowing I heard her fart, this is why businesses should never have bathrooms with stalls.
Posted by
8:19 PM
I have only had the CD for 3 hours but I can tell this weeks song is going to be The Arcade Fire's Keep the Car Running.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Labels: Music
I am just in love with the Arcade Fire right now.
Try listening to their song Wake Up while hanging half way off your bed and see if it does not make you cry.
Posted by
5:47 PM
Labels: Music
I have a problem. When I like a song I listen to it to much and then I don't like it anymore. So I have to limit myself to listening to songs I like only once or twice a day. This week that song is
Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton's- Our Hell
I really want listen to it right now but I already listened to it today so I guess I will just go to sleep.
What is your song of the week?
Dear Katie,
Hola. (The extent of my spanish vocabulary). So, how's P.R.? And where's that postcard you promised, huh? Well, I understand, you're probably pretty busy. And so am I, but I just happened to get motivated today (Sunday) so it's 4:30 and I already finished my homework. It's so nice to have a public school amount of homework - only 1 1/2 hrs. Well, I turned 16 last Wednesday (finally) not that it means anything. But I finished driver's ed, so I think I might actually take my licence test in a couple of weeks. Not that I have a car or anything, but at least I'll be able to borrow my mom's and have a little more freedom. Ow! My hand hurts. too much writing. So now I'm using my left hand. I'll forgive you if you cant read this. My history class is boring this year- no kirbistas to spice it up. Well, enough of that it takes me so long to write with my left hand that my right hand had a chance to rest. Well, I guess that is all.
Please write back!
p.s. here's my dorky school picture for you! Lucky duck!
Posted by
4:02 PM
Labels: PR
I am always looking for good new music. Music that makes me feel good or bad or both. I just got home to find a few CDs I ordered had arrived.
Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City
I really liked Bloc Party's - Silent Alarm it was fun to run to because it had strong drums and it made me feel happy even though the lyrics were sometimes the opposite. I am still trying to decide it lyrics or music are more important to me.
The other CD I got was:
Loney, Dear - Loney, Noir
I don't know much about this one I just heard one song on a website and thought it was good so I thought I would check it out.
I will let you know about these two CDs.
How do you find new music (friends, the web, NPR)?
Posted by
3:44 PM
Labels: Music
So at some point during my stay in PR I wrote a letter to my neighbor and friend D. But the letter never got to him because I addressed it like this: D Scotts Valley CA 95066. No street address, I guess I thought it is such a small town they would find him.
Here is the letter:
Dear D,
I was so happy to get your letter, thank you vary much. So how is your life going? I am doing good. I am just prity much going to school and sleeping. School is really eazy her, there is no homework and if a teacher does not come there is no class. I have not been surfing yet I hear it is pritty nice there in California. I hope that when I get back we can go surfing together. N took my board other wise I would say you could barrow it. But itf you want anything of mine like C.D.s or whatever. Just go to my house and tell my mom. So write me back and answer all these questions
1. Do you have a girlfriend?
2. Do you have a job?
3. Where are you going when you graduate?
4. Did you or Do you babysit for B?
Love your friend,
P.S. Write me back!
Posted by
9:10 PM
Labels: PR
A week before I left for Puerto Rico, AFS provided me with an orientation booklet. It included this little bit of advice:
"As we are a tropical country you will sweat a lot; this will require you shower every day. Use of: deodorant and antiperspirant every day, perfume every day and shaving under your arms and legs (only for girls) is not optional, you will need it. Changing your clothes and under wear every day, and not using the same set of clothes more than twice before washing it is necessary."
What I like about this is that you know someone complained that they had a stinky student. I always thought personal hygiene was just general knowledge when it came to tropical locations but I guess not. Puerto Rico was so hot and humid that I had to shower twice a day and changed clothes 3 or 4 times a day. I feel sorry for the families who got the students who were rebellious and thought, "I don't need to shower today, I don't smell."
Posted by
7:50 PM
Labels: PR
Ten years ago when I was fifteen I decided to spend a year abroad as an AFS exchange student. I ended up in the small town of Moca, Puerto Rico. Recently, I was cleaning out my old room at my parents house and I found the letters friends and family had sent me while I was abroad. I decided to start this blog and type up the letters.
Posted by
6:21 PM
Labels: PR