Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Watch List

This weekend I was on my way to an ultimate tournament with the high school team I am helping out. The mom who drove asked me all these questions about Puerto Rico and then I remembered that is what this blog is supposed be about not my taste for sad indie rock. So I am still going through the letters and I will post more as soon as I get them in some sort of order. But before I do that I thought I would give you an idea of why I was an exchange student since this mom who was driving me to the ultimate tourney asked me that and most people want to know. I think the best way to explain why is to say that my family is big on exchange students.
Here are the kids who have lived in my parents house:
Michiko- Japan
Noelia- Argentina
Jackie- Italy
Vicky- Argentina
Louise- Canada
Ricky- Mexico
Geovanni- Italy
Henrik- Greenland

And those are just the ones I remember and not counting cousins from France who would come to visit. If the FBI knew about this list they might put my parents on some sort of watch list.
Also both my brothers have been exchange students.
You know how alcoholism runs in families in my family it is exchangism so I had no choice I had to go to Puerto Rico.
Oh yeah and my parents rock for letting all these kids come live at our house. I can't wait till I grow up so I can be a host parent.

1 comment:

amy said...

I think you'll be a great host mom!