Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Song of The Week 4

So I just finished reading Bee Season by Myla Goldberg.
And all I have to say it is a good book and you should read it. It only took me a few days to read it and my median time for Hop On Pop is 45 minutes so you should be able to finish it all quick like. One other thing I do have to say about the book is it includes kleptomaniacs, hari krishnas and the kabbalah.
Anyway this is not book of the week it is song of the week. And song of the week is
Song For Myla Goldberg- The Decemberists

Bryan hates that I like this song because all I can sing from it is "unique new york, unique new york"


Unknown said...

since when does hop on pop include kleptomaniacs and kabbalah?

and yes, you should memorize more of that song. you're killin' me smalls.

eclaire said...

i was wondering why you kept saying "unique new york" yesterday!

amy said...

No Cars Go by Arcade Fire is my song of the week.